May 10th, 2019

Setup and Install Multiple Versions of Ruby and Rails with RVM

I recently wanted to try out Ruby on Rails 5, but didn’t want to loose my ability to easily switch to Rails 4 if I wanted to. Here is my setup.

My Machine

I use macOS Mojave (10.14.2 at the time of this writing). If you use something different, you may need to alter some of the instructions to cater to your system.

However, one of the great things about RVM/Ruby/Rails is that once setup, they should function agnostically across environments.

Setting up RVM

I use Ruby Version Manager (RVM) to manage my Ruby installs. It’s a handy tool, and a fairly simple install.

First open your Terminal application and type in the RVM command to see if it’s already on your machine:

rvm --version

If it prints the version installed, you’re good go to! Skip ahead. Otherwise, let’s install it.

You can also follow the install instructions on RVM here.

First, let’s add the GPG key to verify the downloaded package:

gpg --keyserver hkp:// --recv-keys 409B6B1796C275462A1703113804BB82D39DC0E3 7D2BAF1CF37B13E2069D6956105BD0E739499BDB

Got An Error?

If you run into an issue with the gpg command missing, simply install it via the Homebrew package manager via brew install gnupg.

After that, simply install the latest stable version of RVM by running:

curl -sSL | bash -s stable

Then re-run the RVM command from earlier to test if it’s working:

rvm --version

Command Not Found?

Try opening a new terminal window/tab and try again. That will ensure all the newly added system paths are loaded.

That’s it for RVM!

Installing Ruby

macOS Ships With Ruby

If using macOS, you probably already have Ruby installed. Check via the ruby --version command in terminal.

To list all the currently installed versions of Ruby using RVM on your system, run:

rvm list

Then let’s list all the Ruby packages available to install.

rvm list known

This will display all the known Ruby versions. The list might be a little long for your terminal, so simply scroll to the top part where the #MRI Rubies are listed.

What are "MRI Rubies"

MRI stands for Matz's Ruby Interpreter, with Matz's being the nickname of the creator of Ruby, Yukihiro Matsumoto. More on Wikipedia.

If you’d like to install the latest version of Ruby:

rvm install ruby

Or a specific version:

rvm install ruby-2.5.3 # Get this info from 'rvm list known'

Once done, verify by checking the current Ruby version:

ruby --version

If it prints the version you installed you’re all set with Ruby!

If it prints a different version than you installed, simply change using RVM:

# List all installed versions
rvm list

# Set version of Ruby
rvm use ruby-2.3.1

# Set default version
rvm use --default ruby-2.3.1

Install Rails

Keep In Mind

Ruby uses packages called gems. gems are specific to the version of Ruby they're installed on. Rails is a gem.

What this means is that the version of Rails you install will be specific to the current active version of Ruby. If you change Ruby versions, your version of Rails will have to be re-installed.

This is a good thing. In a little bit, you'll see how easy it is to switch versions of Rails just by changing Ruby versions.

To install Rails, just run:

gem install rails # Latest version
# or 
gem install rails --version= # For a specific version

You’re done!

Swap Between Ruby/Rails Versions

Now, finally, after getting everything setup, this is how you can easily change between versions of Rails. Simply change to a new version of Ruby, install the version of Rails you want, and that’s it!

# List all installed versions
rvm list

# Set version of Ruby
rvm use ruby-2.3.1

# Set default version
rvm use --default ruby-2.3.1

I use Ruby 2.3.1 for Rails, and Ruby 2.5.3 for Rails 5.2. Using RVM, it’s easy for me to change quickly to whichever version I want.

Quickly Create a New Project With Specific Version

You don't have to switch Ruby versions if you just want to make a new project with a specific version of Rails (assuming it's installed). Simply run the command rails _4.2.11.1_ new new_project

You’re all done! Happy programming ✨